Saturday, August 10, 2013

Week 20

After an extremely busy week, I am beyond excited to do very little this weekend. I have a very low-key agenda that includes shopping for maternity pants (I think it’s time…), the normal workouts, going to my mom’s to pick up a suitcase for my trip next week, the dreaded packing and a lot of chillin’ with Philip and my kitties before I leave for 4 days. Since I’ve been so busy this week, I didn’t put up my usual pregnancy by week post. I seem to always be late for that though so I’m not surprised. So here we go:


Week 20


Fun Facts:… If you're having a boy, his testicles have begun their descent from the abdomen to their ultimate destination — the scrotum. And while your baby is definitely getting bigger (weighing in at about ten ounces and measuring six and a half inches), there's still plenty of growing room in there, which allows him to twist and turn (and allows you to feel his acrobatics!)


Weight Gained: When I weighed myself the morning my 20th week started (which is when the picture above was taken), I was up 1.8lbs.

Symptoms: At this point, all I have is the hair and nail deal still.

Food Cravings: I crave pizza sauce lately but not pizza. I want the sauce on toast or a whole wheat tortilla but I don’t want the full pizza. It’s weird, I know.

Food Aversions: Anything overly sweet I despise still, even overly sweet tea.

Sleep: My little man kicks my bladder all night long so I wake up having to pee. I go to bed early now though, I’m in bed by 9:30 nightly and asleep at 10 if Iron Chef isn’t on, if it is, I wait until 11. ;)

Stretch Marks: Not a single one from pregnancy.

New Baby Item: I actually don’t think I bought anything this week and I’m not sure how I held off an entire week.

Movement: ALL.THE.TIME. He loves to move and make his mama feel uncomfortable! I swear he’ll try to squish himself to one side and it feels so weird for me but I absolutely love it <3

Exercise: I’ve been taking it really easy exercise wise. When Philip and I go to the gym now, I normally walk while he jogs (30 minutes), then I do really light weights (typically the lightest the machines go but add more reps), and if he ever does an exercise I can’t do anymore, I’ll hop on the elliptical for 5-8 minutes until we’re at the next set.

On another note, one day during lunch I ran to Kroger to pick up some snacks for my desk at work and I came across Thin Mint coffee creamer.


Um, what?! How did I not know this existed?!??!!? I want coffee lately but decaf coffee tastes a little funky to me so I need a stronger tasting creamer so something with mint in it is perfect. Plus, it reminds me of a chocolate peppermint mocha around Christmas time (which I’m trying to hurry this year!) so I’m a fan!

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